Risk Management in Cybersecurity

Confronting the Threat

PacketViper solutions for risk management in cybersecurity for both OT and IT are built around a few core principles.

Transparency & Visibility

You will see all the traffic traversing your networks and can implement static and dynamic policies that are as granular or broad as you need for use cases such as geo-fencing and vendor monitoring. 

Maximum Context:

Policies designed to have the maximum context possible built into them from the get-go. No more piecing together what happened after a security incident has occurred.

Dynamic and Adaptive Policies:

Using real-time, organically generated threat intelligence, PacketViper's security solutions create and implement automated moving target defense policies on-the-fly and at wire speed to adapt to threats as they present themselves.

By using deceptive techniques, including decoy listeners and responders, in conjunction with broadcasting sirens PacketViper's security solutions reduce the attack surface of critical assets, make them harder to be seen on the network, and cause attackers to identify themselves.  Deception enables detection with no false positives. 

Detecting a threat (especially an unknown threat) is great!  Containing it so it cannot spread further throughout the organization's critical assets is better. Whether you are looking to protect your IT Internet gateway, the boundary between IT and OT, or OT remote locations PacketViper's solutions can help you create a compensating control and exceed compliance requirements. 

Having the ability to affect a response at wire speed to contain a threat using a single solution brings the ability to enjoy the benefits of an automated response capability to all organizations. With automated moving target defense, PacketViper's security solutions will not generate yet more investigation and response work for your already overburdened teams. 

Cybersecurity solutions may not have visibility into all the traffic occurring on a network, making it difficult to detect threats that occur between systems crossing or within network boundaries.

It can be difficult to understand the context of a threat without the ability to create highly contextual rules and sensors.  Many security solutions fail to capture the maximum amount of context about the environment they are protecting, causing a threat analysts time and effort in constructing it after the fact. This is particularly true for unknown threats, which may not fit the patterns of known attacks.

Techniques that rely on extreme segmentation can reduce attack surface area, but they also increase complexity, present a barrier to innovation, and cause networks to be very "brittle".  By instead using dynamic and adaptive policies, OT & IT cybersecurity professionals can maximize the ability to detect unknown threats while minimizing the attack surface area without needing to engage in overly cumbersome configurations.

Tools and techniques that rely on signatures or statistical analysis (machine learning) are prone to generating false positives.  This can lead to unnecessary alerts and wasted time for security teams. More significantly any effort to automate threat response is hampered by solutions that "cry wolf".

Solutions such as SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) require multi-vendor coordination and integrations that may prove too costly or complex for most organizations. Too often organizations have "actionable" threat intelligence but do not have the ability to act on it in a timely manner.

Learn More About Active Cyber Defense for OT & IT Today